Harry and David
Hosted Dinners

Dinner of the Month®

Enjoy a unique dining experience featuring seasonal
fruits and gourmet foods from Harry & David

gourmet dinner place setting
Upcoming Events

More events are currently in the works


Hosted dinners are thoughtfully curated events with custom menus designed by the most talented chefs in the country. Each dinner is an invitation to explore gourmet offerings from Harry & David. We work with carefully chosen partners who share our commitment to excellence and who are as passionate as we are about using quality ingredients and innovative recipes. Together, we create memorable dinners, bringing people together to share their love of good food and good company.

For More Information
email HostedDinners@HarryandDavid.com

Be part of the Hosted
Dinner Experience ▸

“My significant other and I decided to purchase tickets to the March 2018 dinner in Ashland, OR, and were not disappointed. The food was outstanding and unique to Harry & David while providing a taste experience unlike many others. With the delightful atmosphere and great conversation at the large table setting, we both felt comfortable and fortunate to give this a shot. Overall, I recommend this dinner and venue.”
- Dustin R.
See Recipes from our Hosted Dinners